Managing Your Court Case

How To Defend Against A Robbery Charge

Robbery is one of the most common and serious violent crime cases. If you're facing robbery charges, here are some defenses you may be able to use.

Lack of Intent 

One key defense against a robbery charge is to demonstrate a lack of intent to commit the crime. Intent plays a crucial role in proving guilt in robbery cases. Your defense team can argue that you did not have the intention to steal or use force while taking someone's property.

For example, if you were merely present at the scene without actively participating in the robbery or if you were under the impression that you had permission to take the property, it can be argued that there was no criminal intent.

Lack of Identification

Challenging the identification of the accused is another powerful defense strategy in robbery cases. The reliability and accuracy of eyewitness testimony and other identification evidence can be questioned. Your defense team can scrutinize the identification process by examining factors such as poor lighting, distance, or inconsistencies in witness statements.

By casting doubt on the reliability of the identification, you can weaken the prosecution's case against you. This defense is particularly effective when there are multiple witnesses with varying accounts or when there is evidence to suggest that the identification was made under stressful or unreliable circumstances.


Presenting a strong alibi is another effective defense strategy in robbery cases. An alibi provides evidence that you were not present at the scene of the crime during the time it occurred. 

Your defense team will work to gather corroborating evidence, such as surveillance footage, credit card receipts, or witness testimonies that place you elsewhere at the time of the alleged robbery. By presenting a credible alibi, you can cast doubt on your involvement in the crime and create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors or judge.

Ownership Dispute

A defense strategy based on an ownership dispute challenges the prosecution's claim that you unlawfully took someone's property. This defense focuses on demonstrating that you had a legitimate claim to the property in question.

Your defense team will carefully examine any evidence or documentation supporting your claim of ownership, such as contracts, agreements, or shared ownership arrangements. By disputing the ownership, you can show that you had no criminal intent as to the robbery because you weren't forcibly taking someone else's property. However, depending on what happened, other charges like assault and battery could still be possible.

Find more info about crime cases by contacting a lawyer.
