The Basic Principles Of A Diversion Program In Criminal Law

If you face a low-level criminal charge, you might want to talk to your criminal defense lawyer about a diversion program. Many courts and states offer diversion programs, but they do not offer them all the time. Instead, they only extend them sometimes. If you can get the court to agree to a diversion program, it can benefit you in many ways. Here are some of the basic principles of how diversion programs work. [Read More]

What If You Are An Accessory To A Crime?

Aiding and abetting is a crime you may be charged with if you are accused of assisting in a crime but not necessarily completing it yourself. In popular usage, you might have heard of this as being an "accessory to the crime." The laws surrounding aiding and abetting vary from state to state. The charges you face depend on the crime you are accused of being party to as well as your location. [Read More]

Will Your DWI Charge Be Considered A Felony Or Misdemeanor?

When you get pulled over while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it is highly likely that you will get a free ride in a police car to the local jail. Police officers have the duty of acting when they detect impairment in drivers, and the person driving will then face a DUI or DWI. If this is where you stand right now, you might want to know how the court will charge this crime. [Read More]

Did You Photograph And Video An Intimate Encounter With A Minor You Thought Was Of Legal Age? Get A Lawyer Fast

If you were in an intimate relationship with someone that lied to you about their age, and you took pictures and videos of your sexual encounters, you need an attorney. Unfortunately it can be difficult to tell how old someone is, and if you were sexually intimate with someone who wasn't 18 years old, and they looked much older and lied to you, you will need legal protection. Here are some of the reasons you need protection. [Read More]