Online Witness Intimidation Can Compound Legal Woes

If your best friend, spouse, or another close relative is in trouble with the law, it's probably only natural to feel a little angry at anyone you think may have contributed to his or her arrest. However, it's best to keep that anger in check, or you might also end up sitting in a jail cell. Prosecutors are highly sensitive to the issue of witness intimidation—and it doesn't take much to cross the line between venting your frustration and committing a crime, especially online. [Read More]

Three Things You Need To Know About Social Media And Criminal Acts

There's a growing trend in the U.S. for people to post everything they do online. Cell phones with cameras are so common that most people don't even hesitate to pull one out to grab a quick shot for a Facebook post. You may even routinely do it yourself, documenting everything from your morning coffee to your trip to the club on Friday night. However, the wrong post could end up costing you in court. [Read More]

Long Term Effects An Uncontested DUI Could Have On Your Career

If you have recently been charged with a DUI, this can immediately throw your life into a tailspin. DUI might also have long term effects on your lifestyle, one of which might be your career. It is important that you take DUI offenses seriously and partner with a DUI attorney to fight or plead down your charges. Here are four things that an uncontested DUI might cost you when it comes to your career and future goals. [Read More]

Answering Two Questions Concerning Facing Drunk Driving Charges

Being charged with a crime can be a stressful problem for a person to go through, and driving under the influence can be a fairly common criminal charge for people to face. Unfortunately, individuals that are charged with this crime may be unsure of what they should expect or how they should proceed. If you have found yourself in this situation, you might need to have a couple of basic questions answered about these criminal charges. [Read More]